Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Is it June?

Seriously, is it June? Its cold, rainy and just sucks so far. I think march was the last time I posted anything. Devils Run was cool, Ambers dad took first in the burn outs. I love old cars, wish I had a shop to work on my car in. That would help alot, with fixing Ambers car as well. Yup, the motor is locked up and a new one is $800.00. Hopfully in July I will have the money to fix that. Thank god for Jon and Clint. They figured out what was wrong with my bike, the timing advance wieghts behind the points. Jon said there was no way I could have fixed that on the side of the road without knowing what they were. I'm still learning, I want to go through the top end this winter if Jon will help me.

The Fury is running good? It makes funny noises sometimes. I really need to work on it more than I do. But we need two vehicles so until I get the saturn fixed the Fury will have to wait.

Gotta go back to work, the boss is ragging on me.


BoneDaddy said...

Yeah, I thought it was the timing advance weights too, but I didn't want to make you look stupid...

lunacypoppa said...

This coming from the guy who draws a pimp swinging around a pair of testicles.

Karissa (mommy) said...

and...it's November...go...

Karissa (mommy) said...

December...that's it...